Biokinetic Models
Measuring NMs exposure
Several biokinetic models ranging from single compartment to full PBPK models for both humans and environmental species are provided with graphical user interfaces. Biokinetic models are used for the estimation of internal exposure and biologically effective doses for ENMs.

Available Services
Human Inhalation Model
Lung exposure simulation model is based on the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) model. Ιt takes as input the evolution over time of the nanomaterials’ concentration in an indoor enviroment and computes the deposition dose of this nanomaterial in various human’s respiratory regions and namely alveolar, trancheobrohial and lung regions.
Nanobio: a Biokinetic model for ENM distribution in freshwater ecosystems
This is a web implementation of the model of Garner et al. (2018) that enables linking of exposure and bioaccumulation of metallic Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs) in freshwater ecosystems. The biokinetic model can describe the biodistribution of either TiO2, ZnO or CuO ENMs in freshwater ecosystems. The system includes seven species: two phytoplankton species (S. capricornutum and F. crotonensis), a zooplankton (D. magna), a benthic invertebrate (H. azteca), a bivalve (V. constricta), a planktivorous fish (P. promelas) and an upper trophic level fish (O. mykiss).
NanoInhale: a PBPK model for describing the biodistribution of TiO2 in humans after inhalation exposure
This web application simulates the biodistribution of TiO2 nanoparticles in humans after inhalation exposure. The PBPK model was initially developed on rats using the biokinetic data of Kreyling et al. (2019) that concern TiO2 nanoparticles of 22 nm diameter and was subsequently extrapolated to humans.
Biodaph: a simple kinetic model for describing the biodistribution of different TiO2 ENMs in D. magna
This web application simulates the biodistribution of different TiO2 Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs) in D. magna. The biokinetic model used has been developed by Fan et al. (2016) for describing the the bioconcentration of six commercially available TiO2 NPs with different sizes and surface properties in Daphnia magna, using a simple, first-order kinetic model.