Data enrichment, structuring, harmonisation
Maximising the value of data
NanoSolveIT offers a complete solution regarding the maximisation of data’s exploitation potential. The available databases and Knowledge Bases provide users the ability to upload, semantically annotate and enrich their data using established ontologies and a set of structural, molecular and atomistic descriptors. Users can get ready-for-modelling datasets to import into their computational workflows and/or link the data with online tools to perform automated analysis and results retrieval.

Available Services
NanoPharos database
NanoPharos offers users the ability to create and/or retrieve ready-for-modelling datasets to directly import into computational workflows. Datasets can be enriched with a wide range of structural, molecular and atomistic NMs descriptors to increase the potential of model development.
NanoSolveIT Knowledge Base
The NanoSolveIT Knowledge Base offers users publicly available physicochemical characterisation and toxicity data from ended and ongoing EU-funded projects (FP7 and H2020). The data are being gap-filled by the NanoSolveIT partners and will be used for model and IATA development.
ChEMBL: protein binding info and assay data
ChEMBL is a manually curated database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties. It brings together chemical, bioactivity and genomic data to aid the translation of genomic information into effective new drugs.
BridgeDb is a framework to map identifiers between various biological databases. These mappings are provided for genes, proteins, genetic variants, metabolites, and metabolic reactions. BridgeDb includes a Java library that provides an API for programmatic access.